So, this is my new house. Since we are on the side of a hill (although it seems like a mountain to a flatlander like myself) I was not able to get the best shot ever. Hard to take a straight picture on an incline :) We have a neighbor to the side of us and one behind us but since we are pretty much surrounded by trees you do not even notice. Right across the street it is completely wooded. The nice thing is that it will stay that way since the city will not permit any more building up here due to water restrictions. With all the wooded area up here it is really no suprise that the wildlife around this area is so plentiful. We have a very cute family of quail that come out of the woods across the street for a walk with the kids every evening. It is so neat to see the Mom and Pop quail and their five little ones walking in our yard or along the road. We have tried numerous times to take pictures of them but they seem to be camera shy and they run whenever we bring out the camera.

We had another vistor to our front yard the other day. I went out to water the front lawn when I startled this sweet little doe. I really need to keep the camera attached to my wrist from now on cause after running into the house to get it I was only able to get a pic of the deer running away. The deer are every where up here. The saying around here is that it is not a matter of "if" you will hit a deer it is a matter of "when" you will hit a deer. Both Kevin and I are trying to be very careful when we drive into town but the deer just don't care. Kevin had one jump out in front of him the other day, luckily it was a little ways up and he was able to slow down. We were told that during the full moon you have to be very careful driving since all the animals, not just deer, are likely to be hanging out on or around the roads. Deer, bobcats and bears are just some of the animals drivers have been startled by.

This is the view out of our front living room window. I put my glider in front of this window so that when I sit and feed Keelin I can look out at this beautiful view. The whole family really enjoys our new enviroment. It is hot here, but without all the humidity we are used to, we are able to go outside and appreciate it. We have a nice back deck and that is usually where we take our meals at night. There is something so peaceful being able to enjoy a meal surrounded by birdsong and fresh air. We still have not made it to any of the many state parks around here, but once we finish settling in we plan to explore a new one every weekend or so.
There has not really been any knitting to speak of around here. I have been so busy unpacking and wrangling the kids that it has really fallen by the wayside. I did finish all the major knitting on Keelin's Debbie Bliss sweater. Just need to set aside the time to block it and sew it. It is Thursday today and I am still so used to this being my Knitting Bitches night. I miss them all. I am sure that I will eventually find another knitting group to go to but I know that I will never find another group as unique and awesome as they are. I hope you guys have fun tonight, I will be knitting and thinking of you this evening :)
Nice View. You suck!
yeah, what they said >:)
did you get the bags done for Draken? has his shyness hit about going to school yet? we need pictures of Keelin. try any new recipes lately? i made cauliflower-cheese soup last night, but it was devastatingly bland. miss you! tell ruthee to get the hell outta her turtle shell!
Peek-a-boo Terra!! Hope you are well and happy! Looks like you moved to a beautiful spot. Miami, well...it's Miami...I just started this blog thingy, so that I can join a Secret Pal Swap and the Sockret Swap- it's very interesting! I also sent a message to Ruthee. Take care pretty girl :)
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