Wednesday, May 31, 2006


So, I have not blogged in quite some time I see. Been a little busy lately, what with having a baby and all. Things are somewhat settling down on that front only to be replaced by other bigger things. I am in the process of breaking my best friend Ruthee's heart by moving away from her. We (Kevin and I) made a decision to move back to Kevin's native Northern CA when we were told by our landlords that they were selling our house. I am sad to leave all of my Knitting Bitches and all my good friends here, but in the long run it will be much better for the family.

Well, I have been told that I must blog more frequently by my previously mentioned heart-broken friend. So, I have promised and I shall try my best to keep it. Stay tuned in the future for pics of our new place, new knitting and maybe a little spinning (if I get my birthday wish *hint, hint* Kev). And I leave you with a pic of my new little one.



ruthee... said...

I nearly shat myself at work. Don't act like YOU are not heartbroken, either.

Terra said...

I am but only cause I am leaving you and my lovely friends behind. Other than that I am super happy.

One Knitty Chick said...

My sister makes the cutest babies evar.