Thursday, June 01, 2006

Baby Knits

I am starting on my second sweater for Keelin. First one I finished knitting but never got around to making it up. Of course she is too big for it now. So I decided to start on a second one that will fit her in time for the beginning of cold in N CA.

This is the sweater I am making in Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. I love this yarn and since this is a Debbie Bliss pattern, why not use the yarn called for.

The pattern is from this book (which I plan on making the cover pattern for the babe too). Great little book with lots of cute stuff, including a little stuffed rabbit which I plan on being my next project. I have finished the back and both the pocket linings and am starting the fronts (pics later).

Still trying to finish the SSS but it is sucking the life out of me to work on it. I have 8 more rows before I start on the border so the end is near. I want to have it finished before we leave since it was a group project. I know it will look great when it is done, just have to keep telling myself that.

KB was great tonite but I missed my Ruthee. Her beautiful daughter Grace was sick so she could not attend. Hopefully next week.

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