Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Nesting pays off...

So, I know it was a few days ago, but we finally recieved our new couch!!!! I am pretty excited since we have been living like we live in a dorm with a futon on the floor. Rest of the house put together nicely, but I just could not make myself invest in a couch.

Guess all I needed was a little pregancy nesting instinct to loosen the purse strings. And I sure am glad we did.

See, Thalia (my cat) loves the couch. Helps her reach the window she could never get to because she is gravity challenged (she weighs too darn much).

Draken approves, as you can tell by the goofy grin on his face. I am just glad that we decided to get the stain resitent model since my wonderful son decided later that same afternoon that the couch would be a perfect place to wipe his yogurt covered face on. His logic is that it is cloth like a towel so it is ok. Needless to say Mommy did not agree.

In this case nesting made a positive impact on the household. My garage would disagree with with anything positve coming from my crazy cleaning spree. Mr. Garage kinda gets stuck with all the crap I can not find a place for. Maybe if Kevin gets his own nesting vibe (lol, yeah right) the garage will then have its turn at being clean.

I do not really see this happening though.

Next thing, bookshelves!!!!

On the knitting front, I am coming along with my little ones cardigan (only need to knit one sleeve and then make it all up) and I started and am progressing on my Spiral shawl for our KB's KAL. Getting psyched about the Knitting Olympics and the sweater I plan on accomplishing in the 16 day time period (crazy, I know). I think I may have the lovely Dana (fellow Knitting Bitch) join me in the insanity. Yay, I will not be alone. Doubt all you want, but we shall succeed!

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