Friday, January 20, 2006

Swimming in Yarn

So, the little group I knit with every week (Knitting Bitches) are planning on doing a Knit-along lace project from Meg Swansen's A Gathering Of Lace.

This is the lovely Super-Spiral Shawl which most of us are going to attempt, many risking our sanity and having the fun of using some very colorful language in the process. I am looking forward to it, but I am sure it will take me forever to finish. If my little girl makes her entrance into the world around or after her due date (March 23rd) I will have plenty of time. If she decides to come earlier (as I so hope) then maybe not so much time, and project will be put on back burner.

Well, I recieved all the lovely yarn in today, and not only was it my own but most of the KB's as well. This was what I wanted to pretend was all my yarn,

when in actuallity this was my yarn.

Not a ton, but enough for a few projects.

And, as a nice gesture to all of our lovely friends, Ruthee and I plan on winding all the lovely hanks of lace yarn for everyone on Ruthee's new swift. Oh, what an exciting way to spend a Saturday :)


Melanie J. said...

oooo, oooo, is that my Jewels tucked into the left side of the top piccie? eeeeeeee!

You guys so rock for rolling 'em into balls for us!

Love the name! Smacky for me, is the name of Bucky the Cat's teddy bear in the comic "Get Fuzzy," so I picture like, Terra the hobo queen with a teddy bear tucked in somewheres :)

ruthee... said...

There will be no generosity of winding again....(ouch, my rotator cuff)